There has only been one complaint since October 2016 to date, relating to non-delivery of this publication in Riyadh, Verulam area on 14 of November 2016.

There have been a total of 2 complaints since October 2016 to date, relating to; firstly, the content of one article linking complainant inaccurately and, secondly, bias by omission and not actually publishing a full story.

No complaints throughout the complaints period (October 2016 – June 2017)

There have been 4 total complaints, one that stood out related to subtle homophobia, in that the sexual orientation of the deceased was not warranted. Also there was a complaint where a complainant was wrongly accused in article that his actions resulted in a learner committing suicide and the rest relate to defamation of some kind.

No complaints throughout the complaints period (October 2016 – June 2017)

No complaints about this publication from October 2016 to June 2017.

There have been a total of 4 complaints since October 2016, relating to failure to report fair and accurate news in the Sports Section, having 2 newsworthy events not being published at all, defamation and deterioration of the comics/crosswords section. This is the publication with the highest complaints in KZN, tied with Isolezwe.

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